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Official website of the State of North Carolina

A Message from Secretary Marshall

Advance Health Care

Thank you for visiting our website for information about advance health care directives and the voluntary registry we maintain.

One of the most stressful times to make important decisions about one’s medical treatment is during an actual medical emergency when everyone—the patient, their family, and their health care providers—are all under very critical, time-sensitive pressures.

The best time to make these decisions is when one is not in a medical emergency and can take the time to reflect on what directions they want family and medical providers to follow in a crisis situation.

This is why so many people make the effort to put on record one or more of the advance health care directives available.

The North Carolina Department of the Secretary of State is proud to offer this voluntary registry program to people who want to plan ahead and to make sure that they always have a voice in their health care issues.

A portrait of Secretary Marshall

Elaine F. Marshall, Secretary

Signature of Elaine F. Marshall, Secretary of State