Filing Instructions
The provisions of Article 2 of Chapter 55D of the General Statutes apply to the submission of a State Franchise Cable Television Service document.
A document filed with the Secretary of State’s Office must be signed by an officer or general partner of the person submitting the document.
Required Documents to File a Notice of Franchise
You have to submit all of these things to us
- A complete, legible Notice of Franchise Form
- A paper map of the franchise service area
- An electronic map of the franchise service area
- The filing fee
- A copy of a, b, and c as listed above.
Administrative Code Requirements
Title 18, Chapter 13 of the North Carolina Administrative Code applies to State Franchise Cable Television Service filings. Select the link on the right to review the specific requirements for each submission.
Public Record
The filing is a public record as defined in G.S. 132-1.
The Secretary must post a document filed under this Article on the website or indicate on it’s the website that the document has been filed and is available for inspection.
Notice to Local Government and Existing Cable Providers
Within five (5) days after a person files a document with the Secretary of State, the person must send a copy of the document to any county or city included in the service area described in the document and to the registered agent of any cable service provider that is providing cable service under an existing agreement in the service area described in the document.