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Official website of the State of North Carolina


Check Before You Write One

Check Before You Write One

"North Carolinians are known for their generosity and willingness to help their neighbors. While there are many deserving organizations that need our support to continue their good works, we all want to ensure that our hard-earned money is going to be spent wisely when we donate to our favorite causes. A quick call to our Charitable Solicitation Licensing Section can help you educate yourself about an organization's background before you make a donation.  In short, I advise all North Carolinians to "check before you write one."

Elaine F. Marshall, Secretary of State

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What We Do

The Charitable Solicitation Licensing Division maintains a registry of organizations licensed to solicit charitable contributions within the state. In addition, the Division licenses professionals who fundraise on behalf of those organizations. The Division also responds to consumer concerns regarding charitable solicitations, and works to enforce the Charitable Solicitation Law on behalf of all North Carolina.

Contact Charities

Mailing Address
Charitable Solicitation Licensing Section
Post Office Box 29622
Raleigh, North Carolina 27626-0622
Physical Address
North Carolina Secretary of State
2 South Salisbury Street
Raleigh, North Carolina 27601-2903
Phone (North Carolina Residents)
  • Beware of Misleading Mailings: With most Annual Reports due in April, this is the season to be on the lookout for misleading mailings. The three most common deceptive mailings we see at the NC Secretary of State’s Office are solicitations to file Annual Reports, Prepare Annual Minutes, or Obtain a Certificate of Existence. These mailings generally charge exorbitant fees, well above what it would cost to file on your own. Our misleading mailing section goes into more detail about how to spot one.  
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