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Official website of the State of North Carolina


Delegated authority: State Purchasing and Contract (P&C) has delegated the authority to enter into certain small contracts to us. We do not enter into separate contracts for items and services that we can purchase through State Purchasing and Contract. Contact State Purchasing and Contract if you are interested in entering into a contract with us or any State agency. Contact state P&C.

State Contracts and Ethics

A sign with a gift box.

There are specific State laws that make it illegal for contractors to give gifts to the State agencies with whom they contract. It is also generally illegal for contractors to give gifts to our employees who are involved in purchasing and contracting. The laws help ensure that taxpayers are not cheated and businesses are not deprived of a level playing field when competing for state contracts. North Carolina State Ethics Commission website where you can find out more about the laws relating to contractors and ethics.

For Contractors

A close-up of a file folder with a label.


Like most State government agencies, we use the State Purchasing & Contract office list of approved suppliers (the Statewide Term Contracts) for purchases of non-Information Technology items. View the Statewide Term Contracts.

Do not contact us about contracts. We ask that you contact the State Purchasing and Contract Office if you are interested in entering into a non-IT contract with a State agency. Contact State P&C. If you are interested in entering into an IT contract, you can contact the State Department of Information Technology.

Historically Underutilized Businesses (HUBs)

Information about State contracts and HUBs.

Contracts for temporary employee services

We are required to use the State temporary services agency, Temporary Solutions, if we want to hire a temporary employee.

Debarred contractors

We cannot contract with a contractor that has been debarred by the State or federal government. For more information about debarment and see a list of debarred contractors

Contract terms

A close-up of a keyboard.

All State contracts must include some terms specified in law. For example, all State contracts must include a provision allowing the Office of State Auditor access to all records related to the contract, including the contractor’s records. In addition, all State contracts are subject to the availability of funds.

For the Public

View State contracts..

If you think you want to report a possible violation of the laws about contractors, here are some places that may be able to help you:

  • If you think a contractor has offered or an employee has accepted an improper gift, You you may want to start by reporting it to the head of the agency where the employee works who received the gift.
  • Other agencies that may have the authority to investigate ethics violations involving State agencies include: