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Official website of the State of North Carolina

Catalog Of Publications

These are the publications that are available from the Publications Division of the North Carolina Department of the Secretary of State.

North Carolina Manual

This book may tell you everything you need to know about state government in North Carolina...and more! It makes a great gift for North Carolina history buffs and political animals. Students will also appreciate this "one-stop" resource work when the time comes to make a class presentation, write a paper or prepare a project on North Carolina.

North Carolina Directory of State and County Officials

Need help navigating the highways and byways of state and county government? Let the Directory of State and County Officials of North Carolina be your road map. Each year's edition contains thousands of names, addresses, phone numbers, e-mail and web addresses of government agencies in North Carolina, this book is a great resource to have on hand.

North Carolina State Constitution

This is the most recent version of the State Constitution is available and includes three amendments passed by voters in 2004. Edited by constitutional scholar John Sanders, retired director of the N.C. Institute of Government at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, this volume includes a detailed history of the State Constitution from the Revolutionary War to the present. This volume is a wonderful resource for anyone studying North Carolina history and the state's political and legal system.

North Carolina State Government Organizational Chart

This color-coded chart (PDF) provides a clear, easy-to-understand outline of relationships between various state government agencies, the legislature, the judicial branch and you, the citizen. This is an excellent educational resource for younger students studying North Carolina government for the first time, as well as older students who are studying it more in depth.